Its the time to write my first weekly report.
This week I continued working on linear air track. The set up is ready but giving some problems due to friction at some points.
Wrote a program to access SRF05 ultrasonic sensor and could get the first positive result in my lab [ at my home 🙂 ].
Ajith sir helped me with a call function ‘srfechotime’ to access srf sensor module.
I’d like to improve it and add many things to it to create a GUI where all the three graphs ( position, velocity and acceleration ).
This week I could also set up experiment with oscillations of spring. Need to modify the srf code to plot Energy graphs from position.
Need to commit these code lines to Git.
- Motion sensor got spoiled ( may be due to wrong connection) need to find out the exact reason so that this can be avoided from happening again.
- There is little friction at some points on linear air track. Need to get it polished.
- Faced problems in calculating acceleration and plotting it against time.
Since I am a beginner in the field of programming, I need to work really hard on the following things
- Get familiar with Github procedures.
- Work on Designing GUI using python ( Currently not able to alter the graph scale )
- Documentation of all experiments in detail.
- Commenting in the code.